I became Son of Pete in 1973,  with my first performance with the recording artist Earth Quake at the Longbranch Saloon in Berkeley, California. I made several recordings as Son of Pete. The first one about my father, Yukon Pete, the ballad titled “Saga of Yukon Pete.” I would link to this song on Youtube.com or Vimeo.com but the video of the Tijuana Bible that accompanied it, was not allowed to be on the site due to a ban on porn. In 1975,  as an art project, Son of Pete recorded a player piano and added electric guitar and vocals, and the song was released in 1976, in conjunction with the 200th anniversary celebration of the founding of our nation The United States. The song the player piano played was John Phillip Sousa’s “Stars and Stripes Forever.” Son of Pete wrote lyrics updating the song’s message. I tried to make the message short and sweet. I can’t believe the obvious message, “Nature and Mankind are One,” has gone unheeded.  It’s 2020 and nothing is being done!  So Pete is making a Comeback!! I’m devoting my resources to use  music to further my  messaging.

12 thoughts on “WHY COMEBACK, PETE?”

  1. It’s a bummer that Youtube and Vimeo won’t allow you to link the video. I would have really fancied watching it.

  2. The “Saga of Yukon Pete” has undergone quite a few iterations since it was first recorded. It has truly evolved with the times.

  3. It’s sad that we are in 2020 and the message that Nature and Mankind are One hasn’t been heeded yet. No wonder we continue to see such destruction of our environment without care.

  4. I am excited to see you making a comeback. Now more than ever the world really needs to hear your message and heed it.

  5. I commend you for standing up for our planet. May your message reach all the corners of the world.

  6. With global warming ravaging the earth, your message couldn’t have come at a better time. My support is with you.

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