Musicians have a unique ability to solve the unsolvable, the huge cost of ”being discovered.” It shouldn’t take big corporation’s $$$ to be discovered. I assume a musician’s job is to support music love and to help DO the discovery thing . 


My thoughts here are simple: 

  1. Your fans probably like music you like, but don’t know where to find it. 
  2. Growing the number of artist/direct to fans is in everyone’s best interest.
  3. The more artists who can create their music without business censorship, the better! 
  4. Buying directly from the artist seems like the solution for the musicians in this era of corporate manipulated greed. 


A social media post could easily allow this plan to work!


Here’s how: 

  1. Buy the music directly. Put your money where your mouth is, as I did. 
  2. Let you fans know about your purchase and explain to them their role in the all-important discovery process.The more artist/direct buyers the better! 


Here’s where I can help.

I’ve enclosed a model post for any musician to use.


“I recently purchased or post a link to your choice (song or album name) directly from The Uptones (or fill in the artist name you purchased). Spreading this purchase to all my fans is based on the belief that “If I liked the music, you might too.”


By spreading this music, you help the cause of artist/direct music. This $5.00 represents more money than the artist makes from a corporate world split. It’s music lovers helping artists directly. And that’s a beautiful thing.


As a music lover, I have grown concerned by the proliferation of corporate music businesses over the last few years that allows these owners of millions of copyrights of recorded music to get control of the medium of the Internet with the assistance of tech companies. I find this concerning, and it is as anti-art as is most of the soulless corporate vision for music. My observation is simple, the further up the food chain you go in the corporate world, the more greed rules! 


The corporations, who spent millions influencing the radio and press are now teaming up with Internet corporations to dominate public opinion.  Their ability to make discovery in the music field economically impossible without them is a frightening thought. It doesn’t need to be with this plan.




  1. The trend is towards the various internet corporations to change the public opinion. The companies are useful different tactics to influence the public.

  2. It is actually much easier for music or artist to be discovered these days thanks to Social media. One viral hit and you are one foot in the door. In earlier days you must have connections to make it work. Now it is vastly different.

  3. Sometimes, we are not very supportive to own self. We needed to have the right amount of motivation, confidence and hard work.

  4. Thanks to social media and the internet; a good hit is all you need and a follow up. Musicians already have a platform that can help them succeed.

  5. Social influencers are really doing a grate job in music awareness. Music had gone viral than it was in ages, thanks to internet and technology.

  6. Social media is of a great help t those aspiring musicians. Unlike in yesteryears, people needs producers taken agents , etc. to be discovered. Nowadays, even a little boy who sings while selling fruits can be discovered if his video goes viral.

  7. Indeed many fans simply don’t know where to find their favorite musician’s music. Once we solve this everything else falls into place.

  8. I am so happy to finally see someone addressing the elephant in the room. This has been a big problem in the music industry and it’s high time we found a way to address it!

  9. I always support independent artists. It’s not easy for them so they need all the support they can get.

  10. Artists that are signed with labels always get the short end of the stick. The music labels always gets most of the profits.

  11. I like how you are doing all you can to assist the small artists out there. May God bless the work of your hands friend.

  12. The sad thing is that the big music companies always try to trample on the independent musicians by buying out the radio stations. It’s never easy for an up and coming artist.

  13. The music fans also need to step up. We should stop purchasing music from the big labels and support the independent musicians.

  14. I have found Soundcloud to be a very helpful platform for unsigned musicians. I have discovered some great talents through the platform.

  15. We need more people like you in the music business. That way we can finally break the monopoly of the big corporations. You are doing an amazing job and I appreciate it.

  16. Love the concept of connecting to your fans directly. I agree, that censorship can destroy an artist’s musical vision and that there should be a way for them to express themselves freely on an easily accessible platform. Great insights on what music should like in the future.

  17. As we all now music is everywhere so if an industry will invest in music they must use this kinds of promotions. Though over music where first seen or heard on social media platforms. Those way could also give listeners the chance to hear it first especially if they can access it that easily.

  18. People are moving to where they love. Music also has a following and a musician should discover how to earn the right way.

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