Seems I fell asleep at the wheel, after recording “Mankind” in 1976. I just assumed my government would react to my concern about over population, the laws of nature, and massive over-consumption. I WAS WRONG. As I read, million species are endangered with extincition, and watch California and Australia burn, I grow concerned the government hasn’t even considered a plan B to the obvious impending disaster. Instead, denial of science seems to be the current agenda. The government has adopted an ostrich approach. That scares me into action!. I now have to get active and do what I expected my government to do. Before it’s too late.
I retired, for the first time, in 1986, as a general in my own army, but today I re-enlisted as a foot solider in John Kerry’s / Arnold Schwarzenegger’s army. I enlisted in the fight for our planet at the World War Zero site. I took action and donated. This struggle is so important I must get involved.